Useful Frameworks


There are a growing number of complementary frameworks around racial equity and social justice investing. We have listed a selection below.

Equality Impact Investing

This is focused on impact investing but starts with an all-encompassing inclusive lens.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

This frame tends to prevail in development finance and impact investing. Examples include Chemonics, Triodos, and others.

Gender and Racial Equity Lens (GREL) Investments 

Rockefeller Bros Foundation set out their approach and targets.

Racial Equity Learning Continuum

Adapted from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, at Mission Investors Exchange.

Racial Equity Investing

For more information, see these guides from Morgan Stanley and Glenmede

Risk Reframe

As Criterion Institute outlines, the value of investing with a gender lens is most often framed in terms of increased returns or opportunity. While those are great entry points, there is also an opportunity to see gender and other intersectional patterns as presenting unexpected risks to investment. As such, adding a JEDI lens to gender lens investing (GLI) is about looking beyond the number of women on board, and instead at wider racial and ethnic composition and advancement, or all the way to looking at aspects such as the external patterns of gender based violence (disaggregated by race, ethnicity, social class, etc.) in the community.

Social Justice Investing (Adasina)

The spectrum of extractive to regenerative investing helps to illustrate how core JEDI principles manifest across different investing approaches and asset classes. Note: The Extractive to Regenerative Spectrum was originally introduced by Justice Funders as a guide for social justice focused philanthropy. It has been adapted here for the investment industry.