Principle 3: Participation

Strive for participation of all voices and actors, supported by thorough and locally-relevant investment and organisational processes.


Actions: Investment Process

Ensure representative investment decision-making bodies and processes

Explore participatory and more representative investment decision making. This might include venture associates, relevant community stakeholders, previously funded founders, as ways to enable balanced investment decisions.

Explore non-traditional ways of assessing track records

Existing financial industry due diligence standards continue to limit the flow of funds towards diverse and underrepresented fund managers. In order to upend this focus on minimum track record or other burdensome criteria, allocators could consider alternative track record measurement and frameworks that take a broader look at skills and experience.


Actions: Organisation

Appoint representative decision-making bodies

Create a JEDI organisational committee or equivalent that mirrors the organisation’s diversity (seniority, age, experience, sexual orientation etc) and overall JEDI strategy.


Principle 2: Specificity


Principle 4: Intentionality